i love this photograph from my joyeuse photography creative shoot a few months back. i didn’t put it in the post because i feel like it’s a powerful enough image to stand on it’s own. it calls to mind women across the centuries and the beauty that was created specifically for females. i think of body issues- both insecurity and confidence. i’m reminded of aphrodite and the ancient greek goddesses. i think about what it means to be a woman.
the bravery, the strength that keeps us fighting for our place as individuals and equals. the beautiful things and people only we are capable of bringing to the world. and the vibrancy in which we do so.
the fact that we were each knit-together for different, yet glorious things. and that we are in the business of cultivating life and being part of creation. and for some of us, cultivating life is allowed to look differently than for others of us. the act of creating takes thousands of forms, and all are equally important. that no matter who we are- we are image-bearers. and i don’t know everything that means yet, but i do know that it is important. it is unique. and there are things that only each one of us can bring to this world full of love and pain, beauty and ugliness. and when we compare ourselves to other female (or male for that matter) image-bearers: it is more damaging than almost anything else.
and i’m going to try to not forget that now. because i have this image. and what’s more, i am that image.