And was awake to see almost every hour of march 31st around the world. Pretty sure there were only two hours of the entire day of march 31st, 2012 that I wasn’t awake for. As soon the clock struck midnight in France, my couch surfer took me out, and we went dancing in a cave turned discotech. Then the end of that day was celebrated in Paris where I had a birthday party with a bunch of couch surfers.
It was a bit funny to have a birthday party where you just met everyone there for the first time, but I don’t think I would trade it for anything!
It’s possible for complete strangers to make someone feel really loved and extremely blessed.
Since arriving in France, my birthday was much celebrated. Here are some (not very good) photos of treats I was given. And it doesn’t even represent them all!
And Joyeux Anniversaire (Happy Birthday) was sung to me exactly 5 times! That’s more than I ever get!
With that I bring the first half of my time in France. Unfortunately I don’t have any session previews to show you at this point- but quite a few more are to come.
What I do have though, are the things I experienced in Lyon, Aix-en-Provence, and Cassis, France.
I’m so glad that I was able to have the time make it to places other than Paris, I feel like I got to see the true way of French life.

I was greeted in Lyon by my friend Hope who I studied with while I was in Senegal. There were many memories that we laughed over, hardly believing that almost four years have passed since then.

3 different worlds colliding all at once. Ancient roman ruins surrounded by middle ages French structures surrounded by modern habitations. Amazing.
Inspiring colors!
And a pretty rockin fountain that was actually created by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, the same sculptor who did the statue of liberty.
Though we walked around a lot in Lyon, we also did quite a bit of people watching, a truly French pass time. We had a lot to catch up on so I didn’t really spend too much time taking photographs. : )

The next day I rented a car and headed to Aix-en-Provence. I’m pretty sure southern france is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. For the first (and only) time during this trip, I felt so relaxed. No rush, just beauty. And new friends!
Renting a car was pretty stressful and driving around the cities was really confusing. In fact, the most confusing place I’ve ever driven, and I’ve driven in multiple countries. Aside from that, it was outrageously expensive. The toll to drive from Lyon to Aix (about 3 hours) was 24 euros, or $32 each way. I mean, seriously, can you believe that? I almost had a heart attack.
But anyway…

Aix-en-Provence is the city of fountains. Around nearly every corner was another beautiful fountain.
There aren’t necessarily monuments or things to see in Aix, and that’s what makes it so relaxing and beautiful. Everywhere you look there is something to admire.

My couch surfing hostess, Una, pretty much gave me the true southern france experience. What you do there is sit in one of the squares drinking coffee and people watching. Or you go to the beach. Or you go shopping.
this man is pretty much singing opera in the middle of the square. it was awesome. there was also a lot of accordian playing i heard. it was really like being in a movie taking place in france.
It was perfection.
So the most ridiculous thing in the world is that I forgot my real camera(s) the following day when Una and I, and a couple other friends went to Cassis. Maybe one of my favorite days this whole trip. So I apologize, but iphone photos will have to do.
We hiked through these winding cliffs, called Les Calanques, that have Mediterranean blue waters running through them at the bottom.
And we ended at a small beach where we could swim and sunbathe on the rocks for the rest of the day…

Provençal biscuits. they were a bit crunchy but some had delicious things on the outside. my favorite was the noix-de-coco (coconut).
Pain chocolat.
The best fresh warm baguette of my life from this place.
Tartes! Aux courgettes, aux tomates, etc! So simple yet so delicious.
I am so in love. With language, with food, with land, with life.
The next update will focus on Paris, but I think I’ll post a couple previews from my paris sessions before I manage to write the full post update. And as many things have gone wrong on this trip, one of them is that my amsterdam session had to be canceled. really bummed about it but that’s the nature of this all!
i am ridiculously happy that you are having an amazing time.
Joyeux Anniversaire times INFINITY, love.
Tahni – this is incredible! I love it! And I have an idea – perhaps you and J could plan now to go back for your 50th birthday.
What a gorgeous time
I am drooling over every. single. food image you have posted, and the views…and the art…SIGH. I am in love with your trip and the descriptions of it (even with just an iPhone camera
So sorry about your Amsterdam cancellation — that IS a bummer!! 
gosh, i am so jealous. especially of your time in aix-en-provence. it’s such a beautiful city, isn’t it? happy belated birthday and i can’t wait to see the rest of all the shoots