now that i’m back in the states and have had time to reflect on my trip as a whole, i think i can accurately say that something about munich completely captured me. it’s not that i didn’t absolutely love everywhere that i visited, because i did. but there is an essence, a certain je ne sais quoi about munich that i can’t shake.
i know it has to do with the people. and i’m sure it has to do with the food. and there is no doubt that it has to do with how old and beautiful and cultural the city is. but there is just an attitude that i could feel the whole time i was there. and then there is the mystery of the language that i’m really wanting to learn.
it’s been awhile since this session now, but the images came out so lovely. alicia totally knew how to work the camera- that’s something i can’t teach! we did the session in and around Odeonsplatz in Munich.
i hope this gives you a little taste of one of my newly favorite cities.
as for the tail-end of my trip in munich, i don’t have too many photos to show you. i spent more time doing and being, than i did photographing, and i’m not too sorry about it.

the bike on the graphic is pretty appropriate because one of the things i did (and i highly recommend it) is a bike tour of the city. alicia and paul recommended that i look into mike’s bike tours which ended up being one of the coolest experiences. i got to see so much of the city and hear a lot of history mixed with funny anecdotes about current life. the tour is about 4 hours long but you make a long stop in the middle for a beer garden experience.
oh germany. meat + sauerkraut, you just can’t lose.
one of the coolest things i saw was these river surfers. apparently river surfing was invented in munich. i’m thinking about posting the video i took but basically these rapid waves come at them and they surf around and do tricks until they are eventually pulled under. apparently it’s extremely dangerous…
other than my tour, and quite a bit of shopping, i hung out with some new friends, and it was a blast. sunday we went to this pub and in true european fashion, watched a soccer match. i think it’s one of my favorite things about europe. for some reason- it’s the sport i most love to watch.
one place that i only got to peek into (because of other plans) was the Hofbräuhaus. if you are ever in munich, i think it’s the place to go. according to wikipedia: Munich’s famous “hofbrauhaus” was founded in 1589 by the Duke of Bavaria, Wilhelm V. It is one of Munich’s oldest beer halls. It was originally founded as the brewery to the old Royal Residence, which at that time was situated just around the corner from where the beer hall stands today. The beer quickly became world famous thanks to the first brewer, Heimeran Pongratz, and the famous “Bavarian Beer Purity Law” of 1516 that stated that only natural ingredients could be used in the brewing process.
also, apparently Mozart lived around the corner at one point and used to hang out there. all that to say, it’s a place to visit.
the return home from europe was quite sad, and also pretty stressful. my body decided to contract strep throat, i had a double wedding weekend, and now i’m just trying to get caught up on all my sessions and blog posts and everything else. so hopefully i’ll have some more photos up in a few days.
Everything about this post is just delightful. Composure. The couple. The young lady ROCKED the camera. The style, classic. LOVED every shot. Thank you for sharing. Xo.
In another life we were sisters, I’m certain of it. In another life we grew up in a quaint little European town and shared a full size bed with a threadbard coverlet and wore dark dresses printed with the smallest, most dainty flowers. A touch of lace at the sleeves and collar. In another life I was by your side constantly and we’d squeal and laugh in the summer sun. But in this life? I’m crazy glad to even know you. To watch as your talent continues to grow and exceed any idea I previous had in regard to your crazy level of awesome. The shot of the couple in front of the doorway is a treasure – a rare capture that is so much more than simply two people. It’s not a picture of love, it IS love. It IS art. You, darling, are remarkable and beautiful and lovely beyond measure. I’m so blessed to share a former sisterhood with you, and a current (and very actual) bestieship with you now. CRAZY amounts of love and laughter, Tahni. Forever. xo