no words for this wedding’s utter greatness. it involves a pink dress, feathers, some beautiful views, loads of cows, the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen, pulled together by a stylist from new york, some really romantic photographs, the most darling flower girl, families full of love, and a bride that made me feel worthy to capture her day. emily has been so encouraging to me- being around her feels like being on top of the world, because she knows how to tell you that she cares. she says she is type A, which i can appreciate, but she is also so stinkin creative.
jeremiah is naturally a fun-loving goofball, and joseph and i both really enjoyed him. (despite his love for the redskins)
people came from allover for this wedding and i thoroughly enjoyed their dance party and their fashion. wish i could have captured what every single person from new york was wearing. being around them all made me feel like i was at home. i may not be from nyc, but i love every bit of it i can get.
and i just hope that these photographs can do this wedding some justice. : )

































































































this is so fun. love all the license plates
oh and the fist pump of the groom. classic!
just gorgeous, tahni!!
What a gorgeous bride, groom, wedding, and day!!!!!
Great documentation of their beautiful celebration! Yes, LOVE the license plates!!!
*That’s my dapper brother in #58