laura and carson’s rustic winter wedding. {charlottesville creative wedding photography}

I don’t have enough kind words to say about these people and this wedding. It was so filled with joy, and so brimming with life, that I had one of those moments. You know the ones. The moments when despite all the sorrow and suffering in the world, you believe it’s all worth it. Because…

2011. it was a good year.

this very day, last year, i wrote a post that had some of my hopes and dreams for the coming year. the exciting news is that i got to see so many of those things come to fruition. the unexciting news is that i was dreading doing the same thing this year. i’ve been feeling…

southern charm. {charleston creative photography}

day. or night. the city of charleston is dripping with life, with light, with wonder. every inch is masterfully composed of details, each with its own inkling of history. tomorrow’s wedding is going to be nothing short of magical. if for no other reason than it will be two stories coming together, to make one…