bellies and babies. {charlottesville creative lifestyle photography}

it’s a well-known fact in my circles that pregnancy and babies and breast feeding and all that stuff freaks me out. i know it’s new life and it’s beautiful and all that, but it’s just not my thing.  at all. but all of that changes when it comes to people i love dearly. i can see…

photographe mariage vintage. {paris, france.}

  C’est difficile de croire, mais mon voyage en europe est si proche! J’ai des clients en Espagne, en Hollande, et en Allemagne. Mais, bien sur- c’est la Paris magnifique que je manque.  Donc, je cherche des clients qui veulent des photos avec l’air vintage pour leur mariage, ou bien, les séances d’engagements (ou quelque chose…

kasey & blake’s ethereal winter wedding . {texas vintage-inspired wedding photography}

you had to be there. you just had to be there to know how special this day was. everything about it shone- the people, the ceremony, the celebration. the entire house and property that this took place on seemed to be teeming with life everywhere i looked, every time my camera shutter snapped open and…

lesley & matt, in the woods. {charlottesville creative engagement photography}

there is not a subject on earth to talk about that matt doesn’t have something funny to say about it. i so enjoyed my time with these two and can’t wait to be part of their wedding this august. and lesley’s anthropologie dress? i. need. it.