Antrim 1844 Wedding Photography

If Anthropologie ever opened a candy and ice cream shop in Paris, this wedding  at Antrim 1844 in Taneytown, Maryland would demonstrate exactly what that would look like. When the bride first emailed me- we had plenty to say of all our connections and shared interests. But what I didn’t know, is how much I would…

Catherine At Home. {vintage lifestyle photography}

this is Catherine At Home. in her body. in her physical home. with her loves. in her metaphorical home. and expecting a new little life. it’s slightly hard to believe that in just 15 months of business, i’ve been there for such significants parts of catherine and mike’s lives. engagement, wedding, starting a family. but…

alicia and paul, in the 1920s. {east coast vintage wedding photography}

it’s not every day that you get to go to munich to stay with clients you have never met, wake up at 5 am to shoot their engagement session, make friends with their friends, and then shoot their incredibly amazing and beautiful wedding in the united states a few months later. it also doesn’t happen…