Category Archives: portrait.

the brooks family. {new york creative home and lifestyle photography}

Maybe it’s a bad idea to admit this on my public website, but…I’m not a trained photographer. Like, at all. But that’s not to say that the training I do have doesn’t contribute to whatever kind of photographer I am. As I tarry on through the “long” winter in new york, I’ve allowed renewal to…

An American dream house. An independent matriarch. {creative vintage lifestyle photography}

This session and these photographs did something to me that no other photographs have. Don’t get me wrong, I love weddings. And part of the fun of weddings is that unique understanding that they are not real life. But. They are not real life. Long before I was a wedding photographer, I was a documentarian…

Catherine At Home. {vintage lifestyle photography}

this is Catherine At Home. in her body. in her physical home. with her loves. in her metaphorical home. and expecting a new little life. it’s slightly hard to believe that in just 15 months of business, i’ve been there for such significants parts of catherine and mike’s lives. engagement, wedding, starting a family. but…