Category Archives: portrait.

paris round two. {photographie créative paris}

  because my mind is all over the place these days, my productivity rates have been rapidly declining. so since i wasn’t able to get all this done yesterday for my previous paris post, here it is today! the problem with paris is that there is so much to see and do. as i was remembering…

Midnight in Paris // Vintage Photographe Paris

With my recent relocation to Europe, and my new status as a “photographe Paris et Bruxelles,” I’ve been wanting to revisit some of my favorite work that I did in Europe a few years back, before I ever knew that I would be moving here! This séance couple is more than just one of my…

munich, alicia & paul. {Deutschland kreative Fotografie}

  now that i’m back in the states and have had time to reflect on my trip as a whole, i think i can accurately say that something about munich completely captured me. it’s not that i didn’t absolutely love everywhere that i visited, because i did. but there is an essence, a certain je…

an inspired shoot. {virginia vintage-inspired wedding photography}

i’m crazy i tell you. no, really. a few weeks ago i was contacted by some vendors in charlottesville/orange, virginia asking if i would like to participate in a styled wedding shoot. i’d never done one before, so what better time than the day before i leave for europe? i know, i know. but nevertheless,…

a paris preview. {paris creative wedding photography / photographe mariage créative paris}

since the post about everything i saw and ate and did in paris will be quite long and may take a few days, i decided to just do a separate little post with a few session previews. the sessions were wonderful and i really had to be led by my clients since i wasn’t familiar…