Category Archives: personal.

This Spark Will Grow.

It all started with a ring. Well, perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. It really started about age 15 when I became aware that I didn’t really have a favorite subject in school, but that my “interests” lie in travel and culture. Then, as one enters university, those are terrible subjects to take a liking…

2011. it was a good year.

this very day, last year, i wrote a post that had some of my hopes and dreams for the coming year. the exciting news is that i got to see so many of those things come to fruition. the unexciting news is that i was dreading doing the same thing this year. i’ve been feeling…

one brief moment.

    this is why i love shooting in an photojournalistic style so much. brief moments with your best friends like this are captured and preserved for eternity.

on vision and risk.

i like the ideas of putting my dreams and vision onto pen and paper. or in this case, into the world wide web. it allows for a certain amount vulnerability and focus. both good things that i want to ever be a part of this journey. i never could have seen this coming. i never…