it’s not every day that you get to go to munich to stay with clients you have never met, wake up at 5 am to shoot their engagement session, make friends with their friends, and then shoot their incredibly amazing and beautiful wedding in the united states a few months later. it also doesn’t happen every day that you get to make true and lasting relationships with your clients.
i love alicia and paul. so i feel lucky that i also absolutely loved everything about their wedding. you might remember their amazing vintage-inspired munich engagement session that happened during my europe trip.
this is vintage and the 1920s done to perfection. even the guests came in character. i had to share some of my favorite outfits that the guests wore, at moments i felt like i was on the set of downton abbey. it was magical.
the tables were organized by famous people from the 20s, the cake was a dream, and alicia and paul’s wedding attire was sublime. the whole experience was just otherworldly.
prepare yourself to be amazed.





























































































One of my favorite weddings in this blog
Alicia & Paul you’re a magnificent couple!
Je vous souhaite “Bonheur et amour” pour toute votre vie
Merci Maïwenn, c’est très gentille! Tahni has such a talent!
this is out of control. I love it. all of their details are so amazing. and I LOVE the shots you got on the pier/dock with the light right behind them and their light outfits. so beautiful.
If Gatsby and Daisy had gotten married, this would have been their wedding.
Oh, Tahni, I’m obsessed. I love love LOVE this. Everything about it. I love the pearls on the globe, and the uber closeup of her looking down. The tones, the composition, the story. I LOVE this wedding. You, my dear, are simply amazing. xxoo
Stunning! Look at those details! Ohhh what a beautiful celebration. Thank you for sharing