major issues. + {project revamp}

a little restaurant in “downtown” saint louis, senegal.
i never ate there, but i’m sure it was quality.
project revamp

project revamp almost didn’t happen today. it took some major wire wiggling until my external hard drive would be noticed by my persnickety little laptop.

it is official. i’ve got some major issues. not life issues, although i have those too. but computer issues. over the years since i’ve received my laptop, many have said so.

it runs slower than a grandma, and the RAM and hard drive combined have less space than my non-existent closet. i have had a lot of issues with it, but when jim at office depot told me it may cost just as much to get it running well again as it would to buy a new laptop, that’s when i was worried.

and so, i have a dilemma, not really sure what to do. it is certain that 70g of hard drive space is not enough.

i welcome any advice.