Why Venezuela? I’m sure it’s awesome, but I’m curious why you picked that country. Also, if you go to Time Square for New Year’s, I recommend booking a reservation at a restaurant on the square instead of standing in the cold with no food, alcohol, or bathrooms for 8 hours. Which maybe is part of the experience, but I know I’d enjoy myself more inside, and then going out on a balcony to watch the music and crowds and ball!
Can’t wait to see what this year holds for you ReplyCancel
[…] very day, last year, i wrote a post that had some of my hopes and dreams for the coming year. the exciting news is that i got to see so many of those things come to […]ReplyCancel
hmmmm I read 53 books in 2010
I have some thoughts about 1 one thing on your list
Awesome list!! You are so inspiring friend!
Why Venezuela? I’m sure it’s awesome, but I’m curious why you picked that country. Also, if you go to Time Square for New Year’s, I recommend booking a reservation at a restaurant on the square instead of standing in the cold with no food, alcohol, or bathrooms for 8 hours. Which maybe is part of the experience, but I know I’d enjoy myself more inside, and then going out on a balcony to watch the music and crowds and ball!
Can’t wait to see what this year holds for you
[…] very day, last year, i wrote a post that had some of my hopes and dreams for the coming year. the exciting news is that i got to see so many of those things come to […]